What’s New in the ndOffice 2.4 Update

Whats New in ndOffice 2.4 Upgrade

NetDocuments recently announced the release of ndOffice 2.4.  Here’s what you need to know about the update.

Version Naming

Version naming was first enabled in the 18.3 web interface but, until now, you could only add a description when saving from ndOffice.  Selecting Save As for an existing document now includes fields to name the version as well as describe it.  Version names appear in the web interface as well as the ndOffice Activity Center.Version Naming in NetDocs 2.4 Update

Search for Version Names

Advanced Search from ndOffice displays a new checkbox allowing you to search version names.Version Name Searching in NetDocs 2.4 Update

When an Advanced Search including version names returns results, highlighting the document displays a list of the versions, along with their names, in a panel on the right.

Search for Version Name in NetDocs 2.4 Update

Default Profile Templates

ndOffice 2.4 supports default Profile Templates.  A default Profile Template automatically completes certain fields for you when you select a cabinet.  For example, if one of your cabinets includes an Author field, you can create a default Profile Template that automatically completes it for you.

You can create an unlimited number of Profile Templates but you can only set one default for each cabinet.  There are several steps required to create a Profile Template and set it as your cabinet default.  You can search the NetDocuments Help for “Profile Template” or contact Affinity and have one of our NetDocuments consultants walk you through the steps.  We are always happy to help.

Other Notes

ndOffice 2.4 also includes some features of interest to administrators and resolves a number of reported issues. To see a full list of issues that were resolved, see NetDocuments official announcement.


ndOffice 2.4 is now available for download from the NetDocuments Support site and as an update to your existing ndOffice installation. If you'd like additional insight on the ndOffice 2.4 update or any features in NetDocuments, just let us know. You can reach us at info@affinityconsulting.com or request a consultation. 

Jeff Krause

Written by Jeff Krause

Jeff is a Partner with Affinity. Jeff’s expertise ranges from case management, document management to billing and accounting. His career in legal technology has focused on not just helping other attorneys choose the right technology and use it the right way; but also, understanding how to apply it to their daily jobs in the context of their current work process and master business concepts that they can apply to their practice and achieve greater success. Jeff is a frequent author and speaker on a variety of legal technology subjects.

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