NetDocs Gmail Integration


A few months ago, Affinity Partner Jeffrey Krause described several tips and tricks for using NetDocuments on a Mac. He promised to tell us more about the integration between NetDocs and Gmail. Now it's time to catch up with him again!

From Partner Jeff Krause:

While I originally mentioned the Gmail integration in the context of using a Mac, the integration is not unique to Mac users. That said, I am a big fan of ndOffice. If I am using a PC to work with NetDocuments, my strong preference is to use Internet Explorer, Office 365 and ndOffice for the most seamless integration. Even if I used Gmail on my PC, I would configure my account in Outlook and use ndOffice to save my email to NetDocuments.

If you are on a Mac or do not have access to or do not want to use Outlook, the Gmail integration is a way to save emails to NetDocuments. The integration specifically works with Google's Chrome browser. The first step is to install the ndGmail extension from the Chrome Web Store. Once you have installed the application, you will be prompted through the configuration process. Open Gmail from within Chrome and you will see a Save to ND icon. You can now select one or more emails, click Save to ND and select where you want to save the emails in NetDocuments.

That's it. You can now save emails from Gmail to NetDocuments. For more information about NetDocuments' features and integrations, please email us at .

Jeff Krause

Written by Jeff Krause

Jeff is a Partner with Affinity. Jeff’s expertise ranges from case management, document management to billing and accounting. His career in legal technology has focused on not just helping other attorneys choose the right technology and use it the right way; but also, understanding how to apply it to their daily jobs in the context of their current work process and master business concepts that they can apply to their practice and achieve greater success. Jeff is a frequent author and speaker on a variety of legal technology subjects.

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