Compare Docs with NetDocuments


Manually comparing documents for changes is prone to error. NetDocuments users can find every change using compareDocs for fast and reliable document comparison.

compareDocs is a leader in the industry when it comes to providing a way to compare two documents for differences across all document types. compareDocs' reputation is for accuracy and efficiency, especially with its instant interactions with documents.

compareDocs is most commonly used with contracts and other legal documents for which monitoring adjustments manually can be fault-prone at best. The product is very dependable with documents of all types, making it a reliable tool for many users.

compareDocs, which is owned by DocsCorp software, has worked to create connections into many document management systems. The one that has us excited, though, is the integration with NetDocuments. compareDocs is now available to anyone who uses NetDocuments, from single document management system users to large businesses with hundreds of employees.
compareDocs document comparison solution streamlines the document review process, while reducing risk and minimizing errors. 

When we say compareDocs can compare documents across all document types, we mean all types. Compare MS Word to MS Word, PDF to PDF, MS Word to PDF, or PDF to any text-based document format and never miss another change.

To utilize this feature, the end user (within MS Word) navigates to the Review Tab and selects the nd Compare option.

The user then selects the documents they wish to compare. Select OK to perform the comparison process and save the document back into NetDocuments.

This integration with NetDocuments makes for a smooth and trouble-free experience for end users while ensuring critical errors are avoided.

If you'd like more information about compareDocs or other NetDocuments integrations, please contact us at 

Ted Kriss

Written by Ted Kriss

A member of our default services team, Ted is someone who is truly a jack of all trades. A former paralegal and law firm system administrator, Ted’s areas of specialty include customized macro conversion solutions, accounting setup, report creation, legal document automation, data migration, mailroom automation and paperless solutions. Ted’s “out of the box” thinking enables him to recommend innovative solutions that streamline processes and improve workflow. Known as “the creative thinker,” Ted’s amiable disposition makes him someone clients are comfortable working with again and again. Helping the people he works with have their “a-ha moment” is Ted’s favorite part of the job.

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