Summertime Training Fun

Summertime Training Fun | Legal software training

Summer is just around the corner. While you may not be attending ball games or the local fair this year, the warm weather and end of the school year bring about changes in where and how people work. The workload often decreases in the summer as clients take vacations and matters slow down. Even if you continue to work from home, you may find yourself occasionally working from the porch, patio, or poolside.

A summer slowdown is a perfect time to enjoy the beautiful weather while learning something new. You don't have to sit at your desk in front of multiple monitors to stay engaged in learning. Most e-learning can be done from a mobile device, such as your tablet or smartphone. Take your tablet out to the patio, grab an iced tea, and breathe in the fresh air while brushing up on some skills that have gotten a little rusty.

While following along with software training is a great way to improve retention, it's not always possible when you're away from your desk. That's ok. Studies show that changing the place where you learn can improve your memory. Getting outside may just be the key to learning something new this summer. While away from your desk, focus on training that doesn't require a keyboard and mouse - learn better email management techniques, time management skills, or how to communicate with clients and colleagues more effectively.

Want some help jump starting your summer fun and turning this into your season of learning new things? Just ask! We'll be happy to share more ideas and opportunities like the Affinity Insight training platform. Contact us any time at 877-676-5492, or request a consultation.  


Danielle DavisRoe

Written by Danielle DavisRoe

Danielle’s many responsibilities at Affinity include training, CLE/speaking, writing, and management consulting. Prior to joining the Affinity family, Danielle practiced family law. She discovered, however, that she enjoyed making efficient use of technology more than practicing law, making her a perfect fit for consulting. Danielle describes her superpower as “herding cats,” and her favorite parts of her job are making others’ jobs and lives easier.

eBook: Build Your Firm's Cloud Strategy | Legal Software Selection

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