From Burnout to Brilliance: How a Week Off Transformed Our Team’s Energy and Focus

I Did It! 

Three weeks ago, I shared with you my struggle to fully disconnect from work, even during family vacations. As one of our leaders, I always felt the need to "check in" each day to ensure everything was running smoothly. But this time, I did it—I truly unplugged!  

I spent ten days touring London and the Scottish countryside, and even visited a relative in Paris. I was completely present with my family, soaking in every moment without a single thought about work (ok, some thoughts about work occasionally entered my mind—but not as many as I expected, and I did a great job staying out of my inbox and off my computer). This experience was not only refreshing but also reinforced the importance of taking a genuine break. 

Why was this time different? It’s because our leadership team decided to shut our entire company down during the first week of July to give everyone on the team a truly unplugged break. You can read more about that decision in my article on Turning Off the Power.

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